Till Deaf Do Us Part
Liebe Forumsnasen,
letztes Wochenende hatte ich in Bierlaune eine spontane 'Eingebung': Ich hörte Jarvis von NIGHT DEMON einen Teaser für unseren nächsten Adventskalender sprechen:
This Christmas season, only on Deaf Forever Forum: The musical advent Calender, featuring 24 days of unique musical surprises. This year, there's going to be one NIGHT DEMON song each day - with a twist, because every song is going to be performed by a different band. Thats 24 NIGHT DEMON songs, 24 bands, and a hell of a christmas season!
So, bands out there: Apply today for the NIGHT DEMON song you wish to perform. Opportunities are 0pen NOW on forum.deaf-forever.de - That's forum DOT deaf HYPHEN forever DOT de. Get rolling, get rocking, and prepare a special christmas surprise for all metalheads out there!
This was Jarvis, from NIGHT DEMON
Die Idee fand ich zunächst mal nur spaßig, daher hab ich ein paar weiteren Nasen davon erzählt - und die fanden sie auch nicht so übel. Noch mal 'ne Nacht drüber geschlafen, an ein paar Details gefeilt, und eine Mail an NIGHT DEMON geschickt:
Hey guys,
I hope you are all in good health and not dying of boredom!
Yesterday I had a stupid, fun idea, that turned out to be maybe not so stupid after all, once I put a little more thoughts into it. Since this idea HEAVILY involves NIGHT DEMON, I think it's best to present it to you right away, and ask your opinion about it.
Last year, we had an advent calender on the Deaf Forever Forum, presenting songs from bands with at least one musician being a user of the forum, some of which (songs) where never-before-heard material. The scope went from newly formed bands, that never put out anything before, over underground-bands such as POWERGAME and LORD VIGO, to heavy hitters like ATLANTEAN KODEX and MANILLA ROAD. Silke and Thomas (who Jarvis recorded a wedding-greeting for in 2017) came up with the idea, Matty from POWERGAME collected the songs and put them on Soundcloud, and I had the honor to make the daily postings.
Yesterday, I got into thinking what we could do for this years christmas season, and suddenly I had Jarvis' best advertising voice (as in your podcast - which is great, by the way) in my ear, announcing that this time around, it would be the cover of a NIGHT DEMON-song every day: 24 days, 24 bands, 24 cover versions (or maybe up to 31, if enough bands participate).
This already could be a lot of fun at least, but why would you, or any band, take part in this? And that leaded me to the idea of letting the forum-users vote the songs, and putting the 16 top-voted on a CD, to be sold in your webshops, with all profits going to the Metal Cares Foundation. Now THIS would be something bands would possibly want to join in, and you as well. And if it is a success, we could do it with a different band every year: So maybe a charity-CD full of CIRITH UNGOL or SATAN-songs in 2022.
Now, why NIGHT DEMON? Apart from me imagining Jarvis doing the announcement, it makes perfect sense because you are very involved and highyl regarded in the metal scene, know a lot of people (organising your own festival, doing management etc.), and know all the legal stuff involved, having published quite a lot of cover versions yourselves.
So: That's the basic idea, and I look forward to read your thought about it.
Klaus aka Dunkeltroll
Die Antwort ließ nicht lange auf sich warten:
Hey Klaus,
Yeah this sounds like a good idea for sure! First I guess it would be nice to know if bands would actually do this. Meaning covering a night demon song. We have many things going on, so we can’t be too involved with the promotion of this. If it was a thing that starts on the DF message board, we would be fine with that. If you can put out a post and see if there’s any interest from bands, then we can move forward
Womit wir dann beim Thema wären:
Gibt es Bands die Bock haben, einen NIGHT DEMON-Song zu covern? Zum Spaß, und vielleicht sogar für einen guten Zweck?
Auf Nachfrage kam noch mal ganz klar: Jede Band, die im Rahmen dieser Aktion einen ND-Song covern will, kann das gerne tun. Die Cover-Version muss dann aber natürlich auch hier im Forum veröffentlicht werden können, und für einen eventuell erscheinenden Sampler zur Verfügung stehen - unentgeltlich, da dieser ja Erlöse für die Metal Cares Foundation einspielen soll. Darüber hinaus steht einer weiteren Verbreitung durch die jeweilige Band nichts in Wege.
Für 24 bis 31 Songs ist der Pool an Bands hier im Forum aber vermutlich etwas klein: Daher würde ich mich freuen, wenn ihr die zweifellos zahlreich vorhandenen Kontakte nutzt, die Idee auch über die Grenzen des Forums bekannt zu machen. Interessiere Bands können sich dann gern per Email unter klaus.ohlig [das Ding in der Mitte] web.de bei mir melden.
Und damit es nicht zu eintönig wird, sollte jeder Song nur zwei mal gecovert werden: First come, first cover!
NIGHT DEMON Songs (weiß: macht noch keiner, gelb: eine Band, rot: zwei Bands):
01. Night Demon (from Night Demon, 2012)
02. The Calice (from Night Demon, 2012)
03. Ancient Evil (from Night Demon, 2012)
04. Ritual (from Night Demon, 2012)
05. Screams In The Night (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
06. Curse Of The Damned (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
07. Satan (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
08. Full Speed Ahead (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
09. The Howling Man (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
10. Heavy Metal Heat (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
11. Livin' Dangerous (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
12. Mastermind (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
13. Run For Your Life (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
14. Killer (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
15. Save Me Now (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
16. Welcome To The Night (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
17. Hallowed Ground (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
18. Maiden Hell (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
19. Stranger In The Room (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
20. Life On The Run (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
21. Dawn Rider (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
22. Black Widow (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
23. On Your Own (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
24. Flight Of The Manticore (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
25. Darkness Remains (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
26. Empires Fall (from Empires Fall, 2020)
27. Kill The Pain (from Kill The Pain, 2020)
28. Are You Out There (from Are You Out There, 2020)
29. Vysteria (from Vysteria, 2020)
Darüber hinaus sind für den Adventskalender natürlich auch andere Beiträge jeder Art willkommen - die meldet ihr am besten bei @Matty Shredmaster an, wie letztes Jahr. auch gern bei mir, da Matty diesmal keine Zeit hat.
Tja: Bekommen wir das hin?!?
letztes Wochenende hatte ich in Bierlaune eine spontane 'Eingebung': Ich hörte Jarvis von NIGHT DEMON einen Teaser für unseren nächsten Adventskalender sprechen:
This Christmas season, only on Deaf Forever Forum: The musical advent Calender, featuring 24 days of unique musical surprises. This year, there's going to be one NIGHT DEMON song each day - with a twist, because every song is going to be performed by a different band. Thats 24 NIGHT DEMON songs, 24 bands, and a hell of a christmas season!
So, bands out there: Apply today for the NIGHT DEMON song you wish to perform. Opportunities are 0pen NOW on forum.deaf-forever.de - That's forum DOT deaf HYPHEN forever DOT de. Get rolling, get rocking, and prepare a special christmas surprise for all metalheads out there!
This was Jarvis, from NIGHT DEMON
Die Idee fand ich zunächst mal nur spaßig, daher hab ich ein paar weiteren Nasen davon erzählt - und die fanden sie auch nicht so übel. Noch mal 'ne Nacht drüber geschlafen, an ein paar Details gefeilt, und eine Mail an NIGHT DEMON geschickt:
Hey guys,
I hope you are all in good health and not dying of boredom!
Yesterday I had a stupid, fun idea, that turned out to be maybe not so stupid after all, once I put a little more thoughts into it. Since this idea HEAVILY involves NIGHT DEMON, I think it's best to present it to you right away, and ask your opinion about it.
Last year, we had an advent calender on the Deaf Forever Forum, presenting songs from bands with at least one musician being a user of the forum, some of which (songs) where never-before-heard material. The scope went from newly formed bands, that never put out anything before, over underground-bands such as POWERGAME and LORD VIGO, to heavy hitters like ATLANTEAN KODEX and MANILLA ROAD. Silke and Thomas (who Jarvis recorded a wedding-greeting for in 2017) came up with the idea, Matty from POWERGAME collected the songs and put them on Soundcloud, and I had the honor to make the daily postings.
Yesterday, I got into thinking what we could do for this years christmas season, and suddenly I had Jarvis' best advertising voice (as in your podcast - which is great, by the way) in my ear, announcing that this time around, it would be the cover of a NIGHT DEMON-song every day: 24 days, 24 bands, 24 cover versions (or maybe up to 31, if enough bands participate).
This already could be a lot of fun at least, but why would you, or any band, take part in this? And that leaded me to the idea of letting the forum-users vote the songs, and putting the 16 top-voted on a CD, to be sold in your webshops, with all profits going to the Metal Cares Foundation. Now THIS would be something bands would possibly want to join in, and you as well. And if it is a success, we could do it with a different band every year: So maybe a charity-CD full of CIRITH UNGOL or SATAN-songs in 2022.
Now, why NIGHT DEMON? Apart from me imagining Jarvis doing the announcement, it makes perfect sense because you are very involved and highyl regarded in the metal scene, know a lot of people (organising your own festival, doing management etc.), and know all the legal stuff involved, having published quite a lot of cover versions yourselves.
So: That's the basic idea, and I look forward to read your thought about it.
Klaus aka Dunkeltroll
Die Antwort ließ nicht lange auf sich warten:
Hey Klaus,
Yeah this sounds like a good idea for sure! First I guess it would be nice to know if bands would actually do this. Meaning covering a night demon song. We have many things going on, so we can’t be too involved with the promotion of this. If it was a thing that starts on the DF message board, we would be fine with that. If you can put out a post and see if there’s any interest from bands, then we can move forward
Womit wir dann beim Thema wären:
Gibt es Bands die Bock haben, einen NIGHT DEMON-Song zu covern? Zum Spaß, und vielleicht sogar für einen guten Zweck?
Auf Nachfrage kam noch mal ganz klar: Jede Band, die im Rahmen dieser Aktion einen ND-Song covern will, kann das gerne tun. Die Cover-Version muss dann aber natürlich auch hier im Forum veröffentlicht werden können, und für einen eventuell erscheinenden Sampler zur Verfügung stehen - unentgeltlich, da dieser ja Erlöse für die Metal Cares Foundation einspielen soll. Darüber hinaus steht einer weiteren Verbreitung durch die jeweilige Band nichts in Wege.
Für 24 bis 31 Songs ist der Pool an Bands hier im Forum aber vermutlich etwas klein: Daher würde ich mich freuen, wenn ihr die zweifellos zahlreich vorhandenen Kontakte nutzt, die Idee auch über die Grenzen des Forums bekannt zu machen. Interessiere Bands können sich dann gern per Email unter klaus.ohlig [das Ding in der Mitte] web.de bei mir melden.
Und damit es nicht zu eintönig wird, sollte jeder Song nur zwei mal gecovert werden: First come, first cover!
NIGHT DEMON Songs (weiß: macht noch keiner, gelb: eine Band, rot: zwei Bands):
01. Night Demon (from Night Demon, 2012)
02. The Calice (from Night Demon, 2012)
03. Ancient Evil (from Night Demon, 2012)
04. Ritual (from Night Demon, 2012)
05. Screams In The Night (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
06. Curse Of The Damned (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
07. Satan (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
08. Full Speed Ahead (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
09. The Howling Man (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
10. Heavy Metal Heat (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
11. Livin' Dangerous (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
12. Mastermind (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
13. Run For Your Life (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
14. Killer (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
15. Save Me Now (from Curse Of The Damned, 2015)
16. Welcome To The Night (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
17. Hallowed Ground (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
18. Maiden Hell (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
19. Stranger In The Room (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
20. Life On The Run (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
21. Dawn Rider (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
22. Black Widow (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
23. On Your Own (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
24. Flight Of The Manticore (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
25. Darkness Remains (from Darkness Remains, 2017)
26. Empires Fall (from Empires Fall, 2020)
27. Kill The Pain (from Kill The Pain, 2020)
28. Are You Out There (from Are You Out There, 2020)
29. Vysteria (from Vysteria, 2020)
Darüber hinaus sind für den Adventskalender natürlich auch andere Beiträge jeder Art willkommen - die meldet ihr am besten
Tja: Bekommen wir das hin?!?
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