FUCKING KILL Records: INFILTRATOR full album stream! Cheers!!!

(jetzt habe ich mich doch verführen lassen und die Vinyl bestellt:D) Aber die grüne Version sieht schon sehr stylisch aus! Nächsten Samstag auf dem Skullcrusher ist die noch noch nicht fertig, ne? Sonst hättest du sie mir auch dorthin mitbringen können. Freue mich schon auf den Auftritt!!
Leider gibt es noch keine Bilder die das Mediabook veranschaulichen, aber von den zwei Gatefoldcover haben wir schon mal ein paar zum fotografieren bekommen. Die sehen so aus:


und die werden dann in den Umschlag aus 2mm Buchbinderkarton, der innen und außen mmit bedrucktem Bilderdruckpapier bezogen ist, eingeklebt.
mir geht jetz schon einer ab:verehr:
THANX für den EREMIT Support!!!

Für Sparfüchse / Black Vinyl Liebhaber:


plus 8 Kopien der eigentlich schon ausverkauft geglaubten neuen NEW WORLD DEPRESSION LP in der "Rising Sun" Vinyl Edition!

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PREHISTORIC WAR CULT - "Under the Sign of the Red Moon" 10inch

- Repress
- Red-Black Marbled vinyl
- limited to 104 handnumbered copies


Only released last year in October, this barbarically nasty 10inch has already been completely sold out for a good 2 months. But since there are always requests from underground war metal lovers, we have decided to repress another 100 pieces. That's 104 pieces now.
Here are two more "Why do you love this album?" comments from Bandcamp:
"deadpunks": Prehistoric War Cult were the band that got me into war metal, before them i was iffy, but their sound blew me away on cold wind howls over the burial site, it was so fucking brutal and awesome, under the sign of the red moon is just as much so, it was so nice i bought it twice.
here's to hoping we can enjoy more albums from the cult in the future (and maybe a rerelease of cold wind on vinyl and their live tape since i missed them first time around lmao)
"fatalgrind": Black as a prehistoric cave without a fireplace. Exactly that's how it must have sounded when the horde stumbled through their prehistoric lair in complete darkness, jerking their little toes and splinting their legs on the granite block, choking the saber tooth and penetrating the mammoth. Most primitive full service and pure hatred. Must have!
PREHISTORIC WAR CULT - "Under the Sign of the Red Moon" 10inch

- Repress
- Red-Black Marbled vinyl
- limited to 104 handnumbered copies


Only released last year in October, this barbarically nasty 10inch has already been completely sold out for a good 2 months. But since there are always requests from underground war metal lovers, we have decided to repress another 100 pieces. That's 104 pieces now.
Here are two more "Why do you love this album?" comments from Bandcamp:
"deadpunks": Prehistoric War Cult were the band that got me into war metal, before them i was iffy, but their sound blew me away on cold wind howls over the burial site, it was so fucking brutal and awesome, under the sign of the red moon is just as much so, it was so nice i bought it twice.
here's to hoping we can enjoy more albums from the cult in the future (and maybe a rerelease of cold wind on vinyl and their live tape since i missed them first time around lmao)
"fatalgrind": Black as a prehistoric cave without a fireplace. Exactly that's how it must have sounded when the horde stumbled through their prehistoric lair in complete darkness, jerking their little toes and splinting their legs on the granite block, choking the saber tooth and penetrating the mammoth. Most primitive full service and pure hatred. Must have!

Das Ding lohnt sich, richtig geiler Scheiß. Hab aber schon das Tape :D
PREHISTORIC WAR CULT - "Under the Sign of the Red Moon" 10inch

- Repress
- Red-Black Marbled vinyl
- limited to 104 handnumbered copies


Only released last year in October, this barbarically nasty 10inch has already been completely sold out for a good 2 months. But since there are always requests from underground war metal lovers, we have decided to repress another 100 pieces. That's 104 pieces now.
Here are two more "Why do you love this album?" comments from Bandcamp:
"deadpunks": Prehistoric War Cult were the band that got me into war metal, before them i was iffy, but their sound blew me away on cold wind howls over the burial site, it was so fucking brutal and awesome, under the sign of the red moon is just as much so, it was so nice i bought it twice.
here's to hoping we can enjoy more albums from the cult in the future (and maybe a rerelease of cold wind on vinyl and their live tape since i missed them first time around lmao)
"fatalgrind": Black as a prehistoric cave without a fireplace. Exactly that's how it must have sounded when the horde stumbled through their prehistoric lair in complete darkness, jerking their little toes and splinting their legs on the granite block, choking the saber tooth and penetrating the mammoth. Most primitive full service and pure hatred. Must have!
Geil, ist geordert. :)
Freitag der 3.11.2023 ist Bandcamp Friday.
Hier haben sich einige rare Restbestände, Testpressungen, etc. angesammelt.
Vielleicht schaffe ich es am Feiertag Mittwoch ein Video über diese zusammen zustellen, und die dann am Freitag auf Bandcamp rauszuhauen.
Rares FKR Zeugs:
Ups, schon wieder Bandcamp Friday...
Here we go:

BANDCAMP Friday Part I:



Two times total old-school BLACK METAL overkill!
Two times total HELLHAMMER worship!
The tape versions of these two brilliant demos were sold out ultra-fast. Here is the long awaited
vinyl version for you!!! No more words are needed here. At most a few more references: early

200 handnumbered copies: 100 in Dark-Blue & 100 in Black vinyl

Release Date: 12.02.2024


BANDCAMP Friday Part IV:

DRAGGED - "We Summon" Doppel LP


FUCKING KILL Records are proud to finally release the album "We Summon" by DRAGGED, the predecessor
band of EREMIT, on vinyl. 2 1/2 years before "Carrier of Weight" this album was released, which was recorded,
mixed and mastered by Tonmeister Role in the legendary Oldenburg recording studio "Die Tonmeisterei", just
like all EREMIT works released so far. All the trademarks that we EREMIT Earthlings love so much are already
there. The only difference is that it's a bit more raw here. Personally, I particularly like the guitar sound,
which reminds me a lot of HELLHAMMER. It's a concept album, with the story taking place in the same universe
in which the EREMIT story began many years later. Have fun with this massive doom / sludge monolith!

Only 200 handnumbered copies: 100 in Trans-Violet & 100 in Black vinyl

Release Date: 8.03.2024

2023 neigt sich dem Ende!
Leider ein Jahr mit vielen ungelösten Problemen auf dieser Welt, das ist traurig und Scheiße!
Trotzdem will ich mich bei all meinen treuen Unterstützern herzlich Bedanken! Ohne Euch würde es FUCKING KILL RECORDS nicht geben!
Danke für Euren Support!
Ebenso Danke an all die geilen Bands die mir auch Ihr Vertrauen entgegen gebracht haben. Ohne Euch würde es das Label genau so wenig geben!
Euch allen einen guten Rutsch und ein gutes 2024.
Es sind genug Sachen geplant!
Freut Euch auf:
θoʊθ (THOT)
Prehistoric War Cult

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