Go get it now!

übrigens hab ich gestern noch nen schub der neuen old nick ep reinbekommen (transparent u schwarz), sollte noch wer suchen danach.
Inverse Solar Reqvriem
An experimental demo by Ynkleudherhenavogyon will be releasing on tape this summer through Urtod Void. The only way to get one will be by contacting and reserving one as instead of the usual hand numbered approach we will be labeling each with the names of the recipient. Contact info@urtodrecords.de to reserve. 50 to be made, first come first served. No artist copies available.
Falls jemand das neue Trespasser-Album "Ἀποκάλυψις" auf CD haben möchte: Das auf 200 Exemplare limitierte Ding kann jetzt direkt bei der Band bestellt werden:
Trespasser Facebook-Seite schrieb:
The cd-version of Ἀποκάλυψις has arrived in Europe! To order it email trespasserxvi@gmail.com. It is 12 euros plus 4 euros postage.
It’s a digipack with a 8 sided booklet. Pretty neat if I may say so.
Released by @pestproductions
Hope and faith,

Oben Unten