
Brutality is gearing up to record what will be our fifth full length record. Once again we will be funding the release ourselves. This time rather than do a traditional crowd funding deal we're going to try something different. We are entering the studio next week to re-record a couple of classic Brutality songs and we will be releasing them on a 7 inch. The songs we will be re-recording are Crushed (off of our debut album Screams of Anguish) as well as Artistic Butchery ( from our sophomore release When the Sky Turns Black).
We will be offering a special pre-order deal on these 7 inches. We are only pressing 500 copies but anyone who pre-orders will be getting not only the 7 inch ,but some special Brutality goodies thrown in. Stickers, picks, autographed pics, some original artwork from our guitarist Jay Fernandez. It's going to be a pretty sweet package.

Whatever 7 inches we have left will be available to the general public ,but they will NOT have the included swag .
We will be taking pre-orders for these very soon and they will be available for just $15.00 U.S. and this price will include shipping to anywhere in the world.

So pre-order what is destined to be a collector's item and help us fund our new record in the process.
Gute Idee. Wird unterstützt!
Beim Hören der zweiten Scheibe habe ich ständig das Gefühl, da wäre noch sehr viel mehr drin gewesen, etwas gaaanz Großes hätte entstehen können. Schwer zu beschreiben...
So bleibt es "nur" ein Klassiker des Genres.

Geht mir genauso. Ich mag Brutality sehr gern, aber das gewisse Etwas, das die Avantgarde der Genre-Konkurrenz damals hatte, hatten Brutality nicht. Ist mir aber heute egal. Ich freu mich, dass die Jungs wieder was rausbringen und werde mir das Ding standesgemäß unbesehen zulegen.
Neeeiiinnn! :hmmja:

Von ihrer Facebook-Seite:

After 34 years, all the demos, EP’s and Albums.
We have decided to finally say it’s time to stop on a good note. Brutality will no longer be performing as a band.
We would like to thank all of our fans that have supported us over all this time. You have been the reason we were able to do any of it. Although we haven’t been the biggest band we have the most loyal fans in metal.
We also want to thank all of the artists, designers, merchandise companies and Independent record labels that have been so gracious to provide their services sometimes at no cost simply because they were fans as well.
We are lucky to have had such dedicated people on our side.
Schade drum...aber ich warte jetzt einfach mal auf Reunionankündigungen. Wird schon werden. Das Auflösen gehört ja irgendwie heutztage dazu. Okay, im Falle BoltThrower macht es mich schon traurig ;)
Neeeiiinnn! :hmmja:

Von ihrer Facebook-Seite:

After 34 years, all the demos, EP’s and Albums.
We have decided to finally say it’s time to stop on a good note. Brutality will no longer be performing as a band.
We would like to thank all of our fans that have supported us over all this time. You have been the reason we were able to do any of it. Although we haven’t been the biggest band we have the most loyal fans in metal.
We also want to thank all of the artists, designers, merchandise companies and Independent record labels that have been so gracious to provide their services sometimes at no cost simply because they were fans as well.
We are lucky to have had such dedicated people on our side.

Das ist wirklich zum Heulen! Hatte dieses Jahr gehofft, sie auf dem Netherlands Death Feast endlich mal live zu sehen (was Dank Corona ins Wasser fiel) und jetzt das!
Nur mal um es wieder in Erinnerung zu rufen.

Screams of Anguish ist unglaublich geil. Eines der besten Death Metal Scheiben aller Zeiten!
Ich liebe diese Art des Death Metal. Brutal, Fett und zwischendurch viel Raum und Zeit zum majestetischen Luftholen. Auf der Scheibe passt einfach alles.
Auf jeden Fall locker "Alltime Top Ten" würdig...legendäres Teil.
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