Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand

Gehörte Falco nicht auch mal dazu?
Ja, ich hab mal n Video gesehen, bei dem er ein Regencape über'm Anzug trug, weil die Bühnenshow ja öfter ne blutige Sauerei war, die Gwar die Schamesröte ins Gesicht getrieben hätte. Gab es in den USA nicht sogar teilweise Auftrittsverbote? Falco hat später nochmal irgendwann bei nem Konzert als Bassist live mitgespielt.
Einige aus der Band leben aber noch, das würd zum Blutharsch passen.

Mal auf ein offizielles Statement warten…
Also in Koblenz gab es keine Probleme beim Konzert, wer da meckert, hat aber auch nix kapiert

Ja, hatte fest mit Ärger gerechnet, zumal an einem 20. April. Die Koblenzer Antifa hatte hier ja schon Spiritual Front und OTWATM gecancelt.

Eine ganze handvoll Leute hat mir auch geschrieben, dass sie keine Tickets kaufen würden, "weil das eh nie stattfinden wird". Die sind nicht mal zur Abendkasse gekommen aus Angst vor Stunk. Tolle Szene...

Naja, selbst schuld, denn sie haben ein echt legendäres Konzert verpasst. Ich habe den Blutharsch noch nie mit einem so tollen Sound gehört, nicht mal auf Platte.

Im Anschluss legendäres Abfeiern mit Albin. Party konnte er ja...

Ach Mann, bin echt traurig.
Statement von Wolvennest

Our dear friend Albin from Der Blutharsch has joined the other side. Terrible loss for music and art, as he always surprised his audience with unexpected musical directions. A free spirit with a good soul full of joy. Both Albin and Marthynna helped Wolvennest to find a musical direction on our first album. Songs like Unreal and Out of Darkness Deep forged our destiny, be sure of it.

We can assure you that performing songs from our first album in front of them was always magic.

The picture below was taken after a beautiful moment at Castle party back in July 2021.

We will miss you so much.

Eternal love to you Albin, Marthynna and all the Der Blutharsch and the Infinite Church of the Leading Hand family.

"on monday evening, he was sitting on my sofa and pondered about visions leaving the body, how he felt that it was ok to be dead, but being concerned if it´s ok for Martina too, and then floating around the house as a ghost. we were laughing of course. on tuesday he did his beloved rehearsal and stayed there in the studio after the band left. some time in the early morning, his heart refused the earthly rhythm." TT/Abigor
"on monday evening, he was sitting on my sofa and pondered about visions leaving the body, how he felt that it was ok to be dead, but being concerned if it´s ok for Martina too, and then floating around the house as a ghost. we were laughing of course. on tuesday he did his beloved rehearsal and stayed there in the studio after the band left. some time in the early morning, his heart refused the earthly rhythm." TT/Abigor
Das ist ein sehr schönes Statement.

Traurig… ich würde mich nicht unbedingt als Fan bezeichnen aber seine Alben mit DI6 waren mir seinerzeit wichtig und ich mochte auch die alten Der Blutharsch-Sachen („Time is Thee Enemy“-Ära). Die psychedelische Phase habe ich dann nicht mehr so richtig verfolgt aber was ich gehört habe (und einmal live auf der Alm gesehen) fand ich immer gut.

Auf seiner Art und Weise, ein Visionär.
Überraschender Weise scheint es hier weiter zu gehen, auch ohne Albin, was mir eigentlich unmöglich schien.

This may come as a surprise for a few people... we will play a concert in Vienna on Dec. 22. It was actually quite soon after Albin's death that the band decided that we have to continue doing music together, so here we are! There is still a discussion going on between us about the band name, and it's not decided yet under which moniker we will continue in the future, but this concert will be "Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand" because all the songs we will play, we already played all together and the new songs we will perform were in the setlist for our planned concert in Switzerland in July which couldn't happen for obvious reasons. Alex from Irrwisch artdesign made the flyer and dug out an old idea he and Albin wanted to use for future events like a concert, tour, ect. I think the Capuchones/Semana Santa motive fits really well for this event, since it symbolizes death and resurrection. We will ressurect Albin through our Musick!


Überraschender Weise scheint es hier weiter zu gehen, auch ohne Albin, was mir eigentlich unmöglich schien.

This may come as a surprise for a few people... we will play a concert in Vienna on Dec. 22. It was actually quite soon after Albin's death that the band decided that we have to continue doing music together, so here we are! There is still a discussion going on between us about the band name, and it's not decided yet under which moniker we will continue in the future, but this concert will be "Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand" because all the songs we will play, we already played all together and the new songs we will perform were in the setlist for our planned concert in Switzerland in July which couldn't happen for obvious reasons. Alex from Irrwisch artdesign made the flyer and dug out an old idea he and Albin wanted to use for future events like a concert, tour, ect. I think the Capuchones/Semana Santa motive fits really well for this event, since it symbolizes death and resurrection. We will ressurect Albin through our Musick!


Find ich sehr schwierig. Nicht, dass die Musiker weiter zusammen Musik machen, das ist toll. Auch eine Hommage ist großartig. Aber ob man den Namen verwenden sollte? Das hat bisschen von Motörhead ohne Lemmy oder TON ohne Peter Steele. Ich weiss nicht recht. Wobei ich mir vorstellen könnte, dass Albin nichts dagegen hätte.
Two days before Albin's death we finished the recordings for a new album. Spirits were high as always with the Der Blutharsch familiy and altough there was never a doubt that we'll release these 9 songs it takes us quite a while to get things sorted. But first steps are being made and these 3 vintage beauties contain the tracks to a new album recorded by and with Albin.

Gerade auf Facebook gelesen. Besser kann Albin glaube nicht in Erinnerung bleiben.
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