Dümmste Musiker Zitate

Maniac Butcher:

"Keyboards are good for disco-music !! Not for true Heavy Metal!! ...and female vocals? We prefer to use the mouths of girls for totally different activities!!"

Vor allem: Ich dachte das wäre ein uraltes Zitat aus alten Tagen, wo man halt mal in jungen Jahren dämliche Posersprüche von sich gibt, aber ... deren Website führt genau diesen Spruch direkt auf der Startseite auf wtf :D
Ich find das gut. Vor allem: Wenn man was einmal gesagt hat, sollte man auch dabei bleiben.
Ich find das gut. Vor allem: Wenn man was einmal gesagt hat, sollte man auch dabei bleiben.

Das sehe ich ganz anders. Man sollte immer den Mumm haben, es einzugestehen Mist geredet zu haben, wenn man in der selbstrelfektion feststellt, dass man Mist geredet hat. Gut ... setzt voraus die mentalen Kapazitäten und geistige Reife zu haben um überhaupt in der Lage zu sein sowas nachträglich fest zu stellen.
Das sehe ich ganz anders. Man sollte immer den Mumm haben, es einzugestehen Mist geredet zu haben, wenn man in der selbstrelfektion feststellt, dass man Mist geredet hat. Gut ... setzt voraus die mentalen Kapazitäten und geistige Reife zu haben um überhaupt in der Lage zu sein sowas nachträglich fest zu stellen.

Für mich las sich der Beitrag auf den du dich beziehst eher ironisch.

Aber von der Grundthematik hast du natürlich recht.
Wo ich gerade Reunion lese, hat eine Band jemals ihr Versprechen gehalten und ist bis heute nicht wiedergekommen?


Und ich bin felsenfest davon überzeugt, dass es auch dabei bleiben wird. Nicht nur wegen Miika (R.I.P.), sondern weil diese eigenbrötlerischen Nordländer einfach wirklich anders ticken und zu ihrem Wort stehen.
Ja der Mille. Das Problem ist halt, das er nicht mehr jung und besoffen ist. Der gibt sich in Interviews so erwachsen. Man merkt halt sofort, das solche Ansagen nicht von Herzen kommen...


So sehr ich Mille als Musiker schätze (großer Kreator-Fan seit den frühen Neunzigern), so nehme/nahm ich ihn in Interviews leider häufig als jemanden wahr, der nicht wirklich was zu sagen hat, bzw. Provokation um der Provokation Willen betreibt, was ich jetzt weniger erwachsen finde.
Nick Oliveri (Mondo Generator, Kyuss etc) schreit auch gerade nach ner Maulschelle

"OK who believes this COVID-19 corona virus is really as big of a threat as they are saying??? Our Band "Mondo Generator" just toured in support of our new album "FUCK IT". OUT NOW!!!!! get it at www.heavypsychsounds.ch ha ha ha !
we played 8 shows in Italy starting in Rome then played in the NORTH "ground zero" (Milano, pescara, Bologna, Sardinia , to name a few) and a bunch of shows in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Poland, UK, Holland, Belgium. I was there since Feb 5th thru march 14th. we played every day having only 3 days off and 2 shows canceled at the end due to this BULLSHIT. I mean 36 shows we played, drank and met new and old friends every night. 'The Band" - Mike Pygmie , Michael Amster are fine. maybe we are just LUCKY? I am gonna go play the lottery and then Las Vegas bound!!!! ha ha ha ha! I'd say if this FLU was a REAL threat we would be very sick right now. I guess Meth does kill the flu virus. h ah aha !!
we were at ground zero of this virus hugging fans , shaking hands , etc.... NOTHING. In fact it has only been deadly in Old People who were already sick in someway, and it. has only been the normal flu during the flu season, for everyone else. in fact the only cases known are with big wig CEOs , actors, presidents , leaders , people of power. (so I wont be hanging with my BIG friends this month! so , just in case you shouldn't neither!) it hasn't infected 1 person I know in the WHOLE WORLD. Just sayin'
What are these assholes up to now??? some new poison vaccine we are gonna told we have to get?? no one knows"
Nick Oliveri (Mondo Generator, Kyuss etc) schreit auch gerade nach ner Maulschelle

"OK who believes this COVID-19 corona virus is really as big of a threat as they are saying??? Our Band "Mondo Generator" just toured in support of our new album "FUCK IT". OUT NOW!!!!! get it at www.heavypsychsounds.ch ha ha ha !
we played 8 shows in Italy starting in Rome then played in the NORTH "ground zero" (Milano, pescara, Bologna, Sardinia , to name a few) and a bunch of shows in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Poland, UK, Holland, Belgium. I was there since Feb 5th thru march 14th. we played every day having only 3 days off and 2 shows canceled at the end due to this BULLSHIT. I mean 36 shows we played, drank and met new and old friends every night. 'The Band" - Mike Pygmie , Michael Amster are fine. maybe we are just LUCKY? I am gonna go play the lottery and then Las Vegas bound!!!! ha ha ha ha! I'd say if this FLU was a REAL threat we would be very sick right now. I guess Meth does kill the flu virus. h ah aha !!
we were at ground zero of this virus hugging fans , shaking hands , etc.... NOTHING. In fact it has only been deadly in Old People who were already sick in someway, and it. has only been the normal flu during the flu season, for everyone else. in fact the only cases known are with big wig CEOs , actors, presidents , leaders , people of power. (so I wont be hanging with my BIG friends this month! so , just in case you shouldn't neither!) it hasn't infected 1 person I know in the WHOLE WORLD. Just sayin'
What are these assholes up to now??? some new poison vaccine we are gonna told we have to get?? no one knows"
Hoffentlich hauen Chuck Billy, Gary Holt und der Death Angel-Drummer dem Idioten so sehr aufs Maul, dass er nie wieder ein Mikro quälen kann! Vermissen würden seine scheiss Musik eh nur ein paar! o_O

So sehr ich Mille als Musiker schätze (großer Kreator-Fan seit den frühen Neunzigern), so nehme/nahm ich ihn in Interviews leider häufig als jemanden wahr, der nicht wirklich was zu sagen hat, bzw. Provokation um der Provokation Willen betreibt, was ich jetzt weniger erwachsen finde.

Was sagt der denn so Provokantes heutzutage?
Nick Oliveri (Mondo Generator, Kyuss etc) schreit auch gerade nach ner Maulschelle

"OK who believes this COVID-19 corona virus is really as big of a threat as they are saying??? Our Band "Mondo Generator" just toured in support of our new album "FUCK IT". OUT NOW!!!!! get it at www.heavypsychsounds.ch ha ha ha !
we played 8 shows in Italy starting in Rome then played in the NORTH "ground zero" (Milano, pescara, Bologna, Sardinia , to name a few) and a bunch of shows in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Poland, UK, Holland, Belgium. I was there since Feb 5th thru march 14th. we played every day having only 3 days off and 2 shows canceled at the end due to this BULLSHIT. I mean 36 shows we played, drank and met new and old friends every night. 'The Band" - Mike Pygmie , Michael Amster are fine. maybe we are just LUCKY? I am gonna go play the lottery and then Las Vegas bound!!!! ha ha ha ha! I'd say if this FLU was a REAL threat we would be very sick right now. I guess Meth does kill the flu virus. h ah aha !!
we were at ground zero of this virus hugging fans , shaking hands , etc.... NOTHING. In fact it has only been deadly in Old People who were already sick in someway, and it. has only been the normal flu during the flu season, for everyone else. in fact the only cases known are with big wig CEOs , actors, presidents , leaders , people of power. (so I wont be hanging with my BIG friends this month! so , just in case you shouldn't neither!) it hasn't infected 1 person I know in the WHOLE WORLD. Just sayin'
What are these assholes up to now??? some new poison vaccine we are gonna told we have to get?? no one knows"
Die hellste Kerze auf der Torte war er ja noch nie aber er überrascht doch immer wieder durch neue geistige Tiefflüge. Und dann noch der flüssige Übergang zum Impfgift am Ende, chapeaux!
Nick Oliveri (Mondo Generator, Kyuss etc) schreit auch gerade nach ner Maulschelle

"OK who believes this COVID-19 corona virus is really as big of a threat as they are saying??? Our Band "Mondo Generator" just toured in support of our new album "FUCK IT". OUT NOW!!!!! get it at www.heavypsychsounds.ch ha ha ha !
we played 8 shows in Italy starting in Rome then played in the NORTH "ground zero" (Milano, pescara, Bologna, Sardinia , to name a few) and a bunch of shows in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Poland, UK, Holland, Belgium. I was there since Feb 5th thru march 14th. we played every day having only 3 days off and 2 shows canceled at the end due to this BULLSHIT. I mean 36 shows we played, drank and met new and old friends every night. 'The Band" - Mike Pygmie , Michael Amster are fine. maybe we are just LUCKY? I am gonna go play the lottery and then Las Vegas bound!!!! ha ha ha ha! I'd say if this FLU was a REAL threat we would be very sick right now. I guess Meth does kill the flu virus. h ah aha !!
we were at ground zero of this virus hugging fans , shaking hands , etc.... NOTHING. In fact it has only been deadly in Old People who were already sick in someway, and it. has only been the normal flu during the flu season, for everyone else. in fact the only cases known are with big wig CEOs , actors, presidents , leaders , people of power. (so I wont be hanging with my BIG friends this month! so , just in case you shouldn't neither!) it hasn't infected 1 person I know in the WHOLE WORLD. Just sayin'
What are these assholes up to now??? some new poison vaccine we are gonna told we have to get?? no one knows"

Selten las man ein überzeugenderes Bewerbungsschreiben als führender Berater in Trumps epidemologischem Krisenstab - der wird's noch weit bringen, der Mann...!
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